STOCKHOLM: The vote counting process at Finland’s parliamentary elections was completed overnight on April 3 with the victory of the Natio...
STOCKHOLM: The vote counting process at Finland’s parliamentary elections was completed overnight on April 3 with the victory of the National Coalition Party, the Finnish Ministry of Justice reported after 100% of ballots had been counted.
The winning party led by Petteri Orpo garnered 20.8% of the vote receiving 48 seats out of 200 in the new parliament. It is followed by the Finns Party led by Riika Purra with 20.1% of the vote and 46 seats. Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s Social Democratic Party is in third place with 19.9% of the vote and 43 seats.
In addition to the three largest parties, other winners include the Centre Party of Finland (11.3%, 23 seats), the Left Alliance (7.1%, 11 seats), the Green League (7%, 13 seats), the Swedish People’s Party (4.3%, 9 seats), the Christian Democrats (4.2%, 5 seats) and the Movement Now party (2.4%, 1 seat). Other parties did not make it over the electoral threshold garnering a total of 0.5% of the vote.
The parliamentary elections in Finland were held on April 2. The voter turnout totaled 71.9%. The results will be officially confirmed on April 5 with the new parliament beginning work on April 11.
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