MOSCOW: More than 2.5 mln messages from Russians were received by the call center of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Direct Line Q...
MOSCOW: More than 2.5 mln messages from Russians were received by the call center of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Direct Line Q&A session, falling short of last year’s record of over 2.8 mln people.
The session’s call center, traditionally located at the People’s Front headquarters, has been working around the clock since midnight on December 8. Its operators continued to accept messages from the population until the end of the event. By the time the Direct Line was over, the headquarters had received 2,500,472 messages.
The most popular way to ask Putin a question is still a phone call to the call center, with over 1.2 mln calls, while in 2023, about 1.7 mln calls were received. In total, over 500,000 SMS and MMS messages were received versus 800,000 in the previous year.
Meanwhile, the number of messages to the president using social media beat last year’s record. In 2023, this method was relatively unpopular, while this year, about 250,000 people addressed Putin via social networks.
The number of Russian residents submitting their messages over the Moscow to Putin app and the eponymous site was the lowest - about 200,000 messages were sent via these services.
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