MOSCOW: The Russian State Duma will review in the first reading the bills that provide for an option to free citizens, either mobilized or ...
MOSCOW: The Russian State Duma will review in the first reading the bills that provide for an option to free citizens, either mobilized or those who signed a military service contract, from criminal prosecution, and to sign military service contracts at the court hearing stage, as well as bills that tighten supervision of perfume and makeup, that contain ethanol.
The bill on withdrawal of criminal responsibility for citizens that joined military service has been introduces to the State Duma by the Supreme Court in August. The bill outlines the procedure and basis for suspension of criminal proceeding, withdrawal of prevention measures, and cessation of criminal proceeding against people, accused of certain criminal offences on request of a military unit command. A similar procedure will also cover citizens, whose sentence has been announced but has not yet entered into effect.
The Duma will also review a bill that will make it possible for defendants in certain categories of offenses to sign military service contracts during mobilization period, martial law or wartime. This bill was introduced by Pavel Krashennikov, head of the Duma Committee on State Building and Legislation, Andrey Kartapolov, head of the Duma Committee on Defense, and Andrey Klishas, head of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building.
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