Los Angeles: Renowned fashion designer Marc Jacobs is all set to marry partner Char Defrancesco. The duo recently got engaged and Jac...
Los Angeles: Renowned fashion designer Marc Jacobs is all set to marry partner Char Defrancesco.
The duo recently got engaged and Jacobs shared the news on social media.
"And this happened...'Charly Defrancesco will you marry me'? #flashmobatchipotle #moves THANK YOU everyone for making this happen," the designer wrote on social media.
He concluded, "to my Ride or Die fiance @chardefrancesco I LOVE YOU."
Jacobs proposed Defrancesco in Chipotle and flash mob performed choreography to Prince's "Kiss" to seize the moment.
As the song came to a close, Jacobs was down on one knee with a box as the crowd cheered them on.
Defrancesco also gushed about the special night, writing,"Get ready for the all time gag. Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen.
-Source: News Agency