MOSCOW: The Ministry of Justice of Russia added The Moscow Times NGO (the Netherlands) and the US’ Carnegie Endowment for International P...
MOSCOW: The Ministry of Justice of Russia added The Moscow Times NGO (the Netherlands) and the US’ Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (deemed foreign agent in Russia) to the list of undesirable organizations.
Previously, the Prosecutor General’s Office deemed these organizations undesirable in Russia.
About the organizations
The Moscow Times is based in Amsterdam, it operates as a news website, publishing materials in Russian and English. Its founder and owner is a Dutch citizen, who also heads the following NGOs: Stichting Potamos, Stichting 2 Oktober (deemed foreign agent in Russia) and TVR Studios B.V. (deemed undesirable in Russia).
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is an expert analytics center, founded in 1910. Its declared main goal is to assist in cooperation between countries. It has offices in Beirut, Berlin, Brussels, Beijing and New Delhi. The organization used to have an office in Moscow until 2022. On April 14, 2023, this organization was added to the list of foreign agents. After that, the foundation announced that it ceased its operation in Russia.
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