Los Angeles: The eighth and the final season of beloved police comedy "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" will premiere in August on NBC, the net...
Los Angeles: The eighth and the final season of beloved police comedy "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" will premiere in August on NBC, the network has announced.
According to Entertainment Weekly, the new season will kick off on August 12 with two back-to-back episodes and will have a new episode airing each Thursday.
Starring Andy Samberg and Andre Braugher, the season eight follows New York Police Department's 99th Precinct's Detective Jake Peralta and Captain Raymond Holt and their lovable colleagues as they balance their personal and professional lives over the course of a difficult year.
The 10-episode season also features actors Terry Crews, Stephanie Beatriz, Joe Lo Truglio, Joel McKinnon Miller and Dirk Blocker.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine executive producer Dan Goor said last year that the season eight would address issues of "police brutality and systemic inequality".
The show is produced by Universal Television, Fremulon, Dr Goor Productions and 3 Arts Entertainment.
Executive producers are Goor, Mike Schur, David Miner, Luke Del Tredici and David Phillips.
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